The Chatham County Amateur Radio Emergency Service held it’s monthly station testing and familiarization training at the Memorial Health University Medical Center on Oct 11. Memorial is one of our served agencies and has the call sign of K4MUM. We fired up the station and got good comm checks on HF, UHF, and VHF. We also took the opportunity to provide some “How to Operate” training for a couple of our newest operators, Melissa (KJ4HAI) and Robert (KJ4HAL).
Other participants included Ken-W4JKG, Kevin-WD0GFG, Mark-KA4CID, Mac-KF4LMT, Mac-AF4KL, Steve-K4SDJ.
Chatham County ARES tests at least one of our served agencies stations at least once per month. Stay tuned for Nov station testing information.
Other participants included Ken-W4JKG, Kevin-WD0GFG, Mark-KA4CID, Mac-KF4LMT, Mac-AF4KL, Steve-K4SDJ.
Chatham County ARES tests at least one of our served agencies stations at least once per month. Stay tuned for Nov station testing information.