A group of us met at the Southside Fire Station again today to continue our work in the radio room. We got quite a bit done again and should be ready for this to be the GOTA (Get On The Air) station for Field Day. We finished the work station surfaces by bracing them and securing them. We then installed a very nice electrical ground bus designed by Steve-K4SDJ. This bus is made of copper pipe with nuts and bolts providing nice ground points for various radios and other equipment. See pictures below. Paul-KJ4FAV did a very fine job of drilling the holes with his drill press. Nicholas, son of Mark-KA4CID, soldered the elbo joint together. Good job Nicholas! After the radios were set up, we got good comm checks on 2m, 70cm and 20m. Bill Solomon-K4WCS contributed a very nice Yaesu FT-840 for use in the radio room. Thanks Bill!! This will be a great assett to the club station. We just need to get an RF switch so we can toggle between the two HF rigs. Everyone did a great job today and we are almost finished with our "station makeover". Thanks to the following HAMs who came out to participate today.
Kevin - KW4B (formerly WD0GFG)
Mark - KA4CID
Paul - KJ4FAV
Bill - K4WCS
Russ - K4YGD
Lynn - KD4POC
Matthew - KG4NKE
Jeff - KJ4HAF
Lester - KF4JBQ