Well, session #2 of the Technician Class Operator Course went very well tonight. We had a new student join us so we now have nine enrolled in the class. Tonight we tackled Subelement T4 which is Radio and Electronic Fundamentals as well as Subelement T-9C which is feedlines, SWR and such. So as you can imagine we took every last minute of the three hours to cover it all! Everyone seemed to have a good grasp on this very important and somewhat technical portion of the course. I had an absolute blast teaching it. Kevin Bell was out of town this week but will be back next week to teach Subelements T3, T5, and T7. Steve Jonas (K4SDJ) was there to distribute some W5YI study software and Radio band charts. And Lester (KF4JBQ) showed up for a while to just hang out. We have a good group of students and things are going very well.