Directions to the lodge:
A: From I-95: Take Exit 90, GA 144, East for ~1.5 miles;
Right onto Edsel Drive for ~300 yards;
Right onto Bass Street; lodge is on the left.
B: From GA 17: Turn East on 144 for ~.5 miles;
Right onto Edsel Drive for ~300 yards;
Right onto Bass Street; lodge is on the left.
If you need assistance with directions on the morning of the breakfast, call 912 660 2438, Larry or get on the 146.970 repeater and make a call to either KF4JCC, David; KD4NUE, David; N4VAD, Greg or AF4MI, Larry for assistance.
Additionally, there will 2 or 3 fully equipped portable Amateur and MARS stations operating for those that are interested. SSB, Digital and CW will be in use.
We look forward to seeing all of you there to enjoy the breakfast and 'playing radio'.