Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Antenna Up Today

Just Started a Technician Class Course

Informal ARES Weather Net

Orlando HamFest (HamCation) 2009

We arrived at the Hamfest around 1500 or so and kept the node up and running in the truck as we went into the Hamfest area. We both carried handhelds and talked back to the "go kit" in the truck on 147.555 which in turn allowed us to talk to the guys back in Savannah on the 146.700. It was awesome being able to tell the guys about the things we were seeing and doing throughout the day. We were also talking with some of the other guys at the Hamfest on thier "Bubba Net" on 446.625.
Well we stayed till after 1700 or so and headed to the hotel. Got checked in and grabbed some dinner at the local Japanese Steak House right there at the hotel. After getting settled in and checking in with our respective XYLs, we called it a night. Woke up at about 0700 on Saturday morning. This is "sleeping in" for Dan. Remember, he is active duty Army! Gorged ourselved at the breakfast buffet then headed back over to the Hamfest for more fun and to lighten our wallets a bit! Did the same drill with the Echolink Node and had a blast walking around in a Ham Operators paradise. We ran into Andy and Beth Ann, Steve and Sue, Lester, Bob, Bill, Ryan and his family and others. Dan picked up an Arrow antenna for working satellites, an audio mixer, and some accesories for his IC-91AD. I purchased several connectors, patch cables, a G5RV and some feedline, an MFJ Wattmeter, some RF Antenna switches, a scanner antenna for the mobile, an old D-104 microphone, and a Yaesu VX-2R which will be my son Jackson's radio when he get's his license in March. Wow, what a blast! After a great day that seemed to fly by, we hooked up with Bill, Bob, and Bob's friend Jeff from Ohio out in the camping area. They set up a portable QRP rig with a BuddiPole antenna and worked some 20 meters right out in the field. Awesome stuff. After that, Dan and I hit the road and headed back to Savannah. Stopped in Daytona and gassed up and grabbed some chow. Talked to the 146.700 in Savannah via the rolling Echolink node on the way back. We pulled back into the Cracker Barrel around 2200 and tranfered everything back to Dan's truck and parted ways. What a great opportunity it was to exercise the Savannah Echolink node from out of town. I had a great time playing radio with Dan and am looking forward to next year!

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