Last July we made our first official transmission from the radio compartment of the B-17 "City of Savannah" currently undergoing restoration at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. This event was the culmination of months of planning and preparation by the radio team and the entire group of restoration volunteers. We made radio contact with a sister museum at Barksdale AFB where the B-17 "Miss Liberty" is also undergoing restoration. During the event we talked to other ham radio operators all across the country and a few in Europe including Dieter Lorig-DK4XW in Germany. Dieter took a special interest and we have corresponded several times since that first contact. Dieter mentioned to me that he was planning to write an article about the radio contact he had made with us and about our restoration project in general. I had forgotten all about that until the mail arrived yesterday.
I was surprised to find a package from Germany and didn't make the connection until I opened it and read the note from Dieter! He had indeed written an article about the project and had it published in the German equivalent of our monthly ARRL QST magazine. The German magazine issued monthly by the
DARC (Deutscher Amateur Radio Club) is called
CQDL. What an honor to have our project featured in thier amateur radio magazine!
Dieter's hand written note |
The DARC CQDL Oct 2011 Issue |
Here is the article. Wish I could read German. |