Continued to work in Douglasville on Saturday and Sunday. Not much official communicating going on so I had plenty of time on Saturday to play with the radios. I talked to Mark-KA4CID in Richmond Hill Saturday on 40 meters. Also talked to Jere-KT4ZB in Savannah on Saturday on 80 meters. Good to talk to both of them. I played around a little with the 80 meter ham stick antenna that we have up on a 20 foot mast to try and get it resonant at the middle of the band. Luckily I brought my analyzer with me. I also got Echolink running so that I could talk back to the 146.70 repeater in Savannah. Worked fine and used it to check into the CARS 2meter net on Sunday night. I also talked with Chris-AE4XO in Bryron on Echolink. It was good to catch up with him. I brought my little 7 inch TV with me so I watched alot of football on Saturday and the Nascar race on Sunday. I was able to check into the South BEARS, GA Baptist, and the GA ARES nets on Sunday from the comm unit. Had a new radio operator to work with on Sunday. Mike-N4REL came down from Cartersville and spent the day. This was his first deployment with the GA Baptist team so I spent some time going over procedures and such and them familiarized him with the Comm Unit. After that I sent him to one of the other churches that we are working from and we stayed in touch on the 2m repeater throughout the day. Still plenty of work for the cleanup and recovery crews in the Austell, Powder Springs area. Not sure how long the communications unit will be needed. It's been a blessing to be able to play a small part over the last few days. Got to work with some good folks from all over Georgia and even a crew from Alabama. Continue to pray for the families that have been impacted by these floods.
Kenwood TS-440S, Icom ID-800H, Hallicrafters SX-100, Zenith Royal 3000-1
Station Components
Icom ID-800H for VHF/UHF and D-STAR Kenwood TS-430S Kenwood PS-50 Power Supply
Kenwood AT-250 Autotuner
SignaLink Digital Interface Astatic D-104 Desk mic Yaesu VX-7R Quad Band Handheld Astron SS-25M DC Power Supply RIGrunner 4008 DC Power Panel LDG Z-11 Pro Autotuner MFJ SWR Wattmeter LDG FT Meter Yaesu MD-100 Desk Mic RadioShack External Speaker
20 meter dipole for HF Comet CF-416 Duplexer MFJ-259B Analyzer Ham Radio Delux Program Echolink Program Winlink Program
Uniden Home Patrol II Scanner Weatherflow Tempest Weather Station
Mobile Station Components
Yaesu FT-857D for HF/UHF/VHF
LDG FT Meter Yaesu FT-2800M for 2 meters Yaesu VX-7R HT for portable op
Wouxun KG-UV3D handheld RS Dual band magmount antenna Low profile magmount for 2 meters Low profile magmount for scanner High Sierra Sidekick antenna for HF
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