Had a great time at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on the Air yesterday at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum. Got there after breakfast around 8:30 or so and found a spot to set up the radios and put up and antenna. Ran my station off the generator this time and discovered some noise that I'll continue to troubleshoot. Made some contacts on voice and PSK-31 but mainly spent the time teaching scouts about amateur radio. The weather was cooler than we've had in a while but really made for a nice day. We had as many as 15 or so HAMs and 80 scouts throughout the course of the day. Looking forward to next year.
Kenwood TS-440S, Icom ID-800H, Hallicrafters SX-100, Zenith Royal 3000-1
Station Components
Icom ID-800H for VHF/UHF and D-STAR Kenwood TS-430S Kenwood PS-50 Power Supply
Kenwood AT-250 Autotuner
SignaLink Digital Interface Astatic D-104 Desk mic Yaesu VX-7R Quad Band Handheld Astron SS-25M DC Power Supply RIGrunner 4008 DC Power Panel LDG Z-11 Pro Autotuner MFJ SWR Wattmeter LDG FT Meter Yaesu MD-100 Desk Mic RadioShack External Speaker
20 meter dipole for HF Comet CF-416 Duplexer MFJ-259B Analyzer Ham Radio Delux Program Echolink Program Winlink Program
Uniden Home Patrol II Scanner Weatherflow Tempest Weather Station
Mobile Station Components
Yaesu FT-857D for HF/UHF/VHF
LDG FT Meter Yaesu FT-2800M for 2 meters Yaesu VX-7R HT for portable op
Wouxun KG-UV3D handheld RS Dual band magmount antenna Low profile magmount for 2 meters Low profile magmount for scanner High Sierra Sidekick antenna for HF
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