Saturday, September 26, 2009

Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief Team Comm Unit Training

Went over to Statesboro after breakfast this morning to participate in some familiarization training on one of the Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief Communications Units. Unit 5C is now permanently positioned at the Statesboro Airport ready to respond to provide communications support wherever the Georgia Baptist Team is called to serve. Mac-KF4LMT and I arrived at the airport just after 9:00am. We were a little bit early and the others began to show up around 10:00am. Several of the Statesboro HAMs came over after thier Saturday morning breakfast gathering. Mark-KF4MLT, Buddy-AJ4BH, Steve Hess and Doug Hess. Doug-KF4EFP also came over from Rincon. Chris Edwards-AE4XO and his wife Wendy came over from Warner Robbins. Chris is a Unit Director and provided a very good overview and training session of the Comm Unit. Everyone got a chance to get a good look at all the equipment and capabilites that the unit has. We also set up a couple of mast mounted antennas and did some comm checks on the radios. I fired up the HF rig on 40 meters and made contact with a special event station N4WIS on the battleship USS Wisconsin. We also cranked up the generator and ran it for a while and even powered the unit from it for most of the session. After everyone had a chance to get a really good look at everything, the Associational Missionary Director, Ed Johnson, fed us all pizza. Got everything powered down, stowed, and buttoned up just before 1:00pm.

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