Saturday, November 5, 2011

Savannah Rock & Roll Marathon Support

Had a great time today providing support for the inagural Rock & Roll Marathon in Savannah.  Along with 22 other local amateur radio operators, we provided time clock setup and monitoring at each mile marker along the 26.2 mile course.  Hats off to everyone on the team as we all had to be in place and ready to go before the race started at 0730.  The weather was absolutely gourgeous to be outdoors.  Steve Jonas, K4SDJ did an outstanding job coordinating and planning our participation in the event over the last couple of months.  Steve was also our net control station today and everyone really did a fine job on the net. 

I really enjoy supporting these type of events and they give us a great opportunity to exercise our comm procedures and show our capabilities to the public.

The team picking up our time clocks on Thursday night

All radio operators got a Race Crew t-shirt

Everyone had a race clock to setup and monitor

Guy-K4GTM at Mile Marker 23

Cases for the three clocks that I set up

Dan-KF4MND at Mile Marker 6

Ted Moore's crew......Shane, Colby, Frederick-KK4AMB, Matthew-KJ4HAB

Somewhere along the course in beautiful downtown Savannah

Yep, Elvis was there!  Four of him, that I counted anyway.

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