Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May5, 2010 B-17 Radio Work Day

We spent a few hours at the museum this afternoon. Steve and I installed pulleys and pull line on two lamp posts on the museum grounds for use in hoisting up a long wire antenna. Which we plan to do for special event stations that we will be having at the museum, the first of which will be on May 15th in conjunction with thier Armed Forces Day festivities. Bruce, the museum facilities manager, was able to get a lift for us to use for the day. All of the museum staff and volunteers have been so accomodating to us.

We were also able to get a first look at two additional BC-348 recievers that the museum has. One of which was just donated to the museum last week and one that they've had in a display case since 1995. Carroll had his tube tester with him today so was able to begin assessing the condition of these radios. Neither one is in as great a shape as the first one that we've got working but Carroll is confident that we can make them operational.

Productive day!

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